Sunday, January 3, 2010

Perching on Pedestals

Competition between slaves was a common occurrence in the books. But, there was something honest about the wrestling in the mud, scratching, hair-pulling squabbles that took place there. Here, words are the weapons of choice. The competitive drive is cloaked in catch-phrases and descriptives that a girl uses to inch just a little higher than the next girl. Subtle, insidious, words veiled in sweetness.

As I think back, I have witnessed several different "trends" but while the words are different, the intent is the same. To edge ahead of the pack. To step up on that pedestal that makes her just a little better than the rest of the slaves.

The first example of this is the collared slave. Not just any slave anymore... His slave. His treasure, his precious, his pet, his slut, his beast... His. While she smiles serenely down at the other uncollared girls, she assures them that someday, if they are very pleasing, they might be able to step up to share her pedestal. The rest are just slaves... she is a collared slave.

Then we saw the "true slave." The picture perfect (Barbie kajira) slave. Always compliant, calm, serene, perfectly composed. She never struggled, never had doubts like other girls because... well... because she's a "true slave." The rest are just slaves... she is a true slave.

Then for a while, we had the "R/L slave" You remember her... the girl who could not post one sentence without referring to her "R/L Master." She introduced herself as a "r/l slave." Every request to leave or AFK included a reference to the "R/L Master." The rest were just slaves...

She was a R/L slave.

And now we have the 2001 version. The "natural slave." The girl with that magical, mystical, special *something* that sets her apart from all others... can't describe it... can't explain it... can't define it... it's just... well... natural. The rest are just slaves... she is a natural slave.

As I look at these words... collared slave, true slave, r/l slave, natural slave... Where is the focus here? Why would a girl who is truly enslaved would feel the need to qualify her status with such descriptives.

If you're looking for the slave... the humble servant who is fullfilled in her servitude... you won't find them on these pedestals... If you look close enough, you will see that the graceful beauty in simple surrender is found in the girl who finds her life's meaning... in being "just a slave."

Wish you well,



Originally published in 2001.

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