Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Wish List

I originally posted this list on 01/01/2000. Ten years later, my list is the same.


My wish list for everyone in the New Year...

Knowledge... not only of things Gorean, but knowledge of life, and mostly knowledge of self.

Humility... to admit the knowledge we don't have... only then will we begin to learn.

Perseverance... to seek that knowledge and understand it.

Wisdom... to use the knowledge acquired in a positive way, not as a weapon.

Grace... to accept help in the spirit in which it is given and be grateful for it.

Patience... with those who are not as far along the path.

Clarity of vision... to see the truths in Gor... and in ourselves.

Courage... to face those truths without flinching.

Honesty... to voice those truths.

Tenacity... to defend those truths against all odds.

Discrimination... to discern right from wrong.

Trust... in our own judgment.

Passion... to extract every ounce of joy out of each day.

Strength... to channel that passion into honorable pursuits.

A strong and loving heart... filled with enough fire to fuel those passions that drive us and warm the spirit that sustains us.

Happy New Year,


1 comment:

  1. A very good friend told me her New Years thought for 2010:

    leave behind 2009

    I second that. As well as I want to say how wonderful it is that someone very special to me, re-entered my life. The best thing is, that while time changed so much, she hasn't.
