Sunday, May 23, 2010


There are some topics that seem to spring up repeatedly on Gorean forums – it’s almost as if there were some pre-determined rotation.

There is the “Let’s start a Gorean community way out in the sticks!” This is generally those who want to role play offline and want some privacy to run around naked and swing their swords. (And it’s always the folks you don’t ever want to see naked.)

“Can slaves have honor?” comes up pretty consistently.

Then there is the “If a master holds a gun to my head and tells me to jump off a cliff, am I still a REAL slave if I say no?” (This one is hands down my favorite for pure entertainment value).

And then there is the recurring “There is no difference between a Free Woman and a slave.” This one is sometimes brought up and defended zealously by some self-defined slave who has an issue with a particular FW. Or perhaps the “slave” isn’t getting all the attention/sex/love/adoration she (the slave) feels she is entitled to. Or, maybe she just wants to push her limits because she’s chafing at those “slavery rules.”

I think of these types as “slave-buts” They want to be slave when it’s fun and sexy – BUT- when it gets uncomfortable or boring, or no one is telling them how pretty or perfect they are – hey – don’t treat me like a slave!

As the debate escalates, the “slave” gets more strident, more shrewish and more obnoxious – her focus is on winning despite her passive/aggressive “I only wish to understand” disclaimers when anyone dares to call her out.

And as always happens, said slave’s “Master” will jump in the moment anyone disagrees with his precious pet. (He generally supports her because she might shut off the nookie)

Not to be outdone, there is the flip side to this – the Free Woman who is jealous of all the attention the slaves get or who has failed at slavery herself. She will declare “there is no difference between a FW and a slave!” She then proceeds to make a fool of herself by attempting to complete with slaves for the attention of men. (Her FC, if she has one, also supports her position because to do otherwise, might result in his own nookie cease and desist order.)

Both of these situations are the result of a woman who hasn’t fully accepted the reality of her chosen status.

Yep, you heard me. Chosen status.

Any woman who participates in this lifestyle is making a conscious decision to do so. Whether free or slave, she wouldn’t be here unless she chose to be.

And for some, there comes a time when they will doubt their choice. The slave will get to a point where she resents that the Free Woman can speak with impunity. The Free Woman will itch to be the focus of the man’s attention.

They will begin to question why they can’t have it all. Rather than simply accepting the differences, they chafe at the distinction between them.

One wants to be better or more desirable than the other. Women are naturally competitive – especially when it comes to men.

But this is all part of the learning process. These women will inevitably follow one of two paths. They will either continue to argue, trying to twist and mold the Gorean tenets to fit what they want them to be – eventually becoming so frustrated they leave. Or, they will stop fighting, accept their place in the ladder of power (whether free or slave) and hopefully reach enlightenment. But until they figure it out, they won’t stop fighting.

So I don’t involve myself in the debate anymore. It’s pointless to argue. It’s another stage of the evolution – a part of the growth process. And history has shown us…

They’ll either get it on their own… or they won’t.

Wish you well,


***Footnote: – You will note that both of the women described above are involved with men for whom the driving motivation is nookie. It has been my experience that actual Gorean men will generally not involve themselves in these catfights. Accountability is one of the main Gorean tenets and the belief is that if you shoot your mouth off, you should have the chops to back it up or take your lumps.

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