Sunday, November 1, 2009

By the Books

There seems to be a never-ending struggle between those who cry, "If it's not specifically in the books, it's not Gorean!"... and those who seem to feel entitled to rewrite Norman's works, proclaiming, "If it's not specifically NOT in the books, it's acceptable." While I doubt that someone who is afraid to make a move without first checking to make sure it is in the "sacred scrolls" is what Norman envisioned when he created his proud, independent Gorean people... there is also such a thing as poetic license run amok.

While adhering to the books is something we should all strive for... the books themselves are contradictory in places and therein lies the problem. The books are filled with unique and singular individuals... each different... but all of them Gorean. What is it that makes them Gorean?... Is it the clothes they wear?... No... From the naked slave to the Tatrix in her robes of gold... all are still Gorean. Is it the way they behave? Do they all conduct themselves with Honor?... Not really... The books are filled with less than honorable people... yet they are still Gorean.

It is the philosophies that tie them together. (Considering Norman is a philosopher, not a foreign concept, huh?)

The belief that Men are naturally dominant and women are by nature submissive. The belief in a natural order that is not to be denied. There are many more, but I think you can see the point.

There are many who read the books of Norman and study all of the websites. We meet them every day. They somehow... absorb all of the details of the books while missing the message. They choose a Gorean name, (usually "Something_of_GOR") and keeping in mind Rule # 1, (Tal the Free and greet the slaves), they come swooping into Gor on tarnback, leading a larl on a leash, demanding paga with a ka-la-na chaser. (You laugh, but that actually happened.) While this person may have a wealth of knowledge of things Gorean, they just don't... "get it." That is not to say they never will... they just haven't yet.

But... If you believe strongly in the philosophies that Norman set down, and hold true to them, they will govern your behavior. If you must think about it... consult the books before you make a move... then, you have somehow not yet grasped the difference between "acting Gorean" ... and Being Gorean.

Becoming Gorean is not an overnight occurrence... but more of an evolution... some are just higher up on the evolutionary ladder than others.


Originally published in 1999

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